An invention born from an obsession

As an island nation surrounded by water, boating comes naturally to New Zealanders. In fact, more than a third of the population participates in some sort of boating activity every year.

It’s this passion for the sea that’s led New Zealanders to develop numerous boating inventions. One of these is from Balex, a company that observed the real-life frustrations boaties experience when launching and retrieving their boats and decided to do something about it!

Through user-driven design and innovation, the Balex Automatic Boat Loader was born. Now making waves around the world, it takes the stress, hassle, and danger out of the launch and retrieval process – and enables boaties to spend more time on the water and less at the ramp.

Following the success of the Automatic Boat Loader, the team has gone on to develop the Balex Floating Dock and customised Balex Trailer.

As a proud member of New Zealand’s ‘Innovation Nation’ for Marine Technology, Balex will continue to develop products to help everyone spend more time enjoying our oceans, lakes, and waterways that are such a large part of boating culture.


The friendly and knowledgeable Balex team are happy to help you with all your questions around the Automatic Boat Loader. If you can’t find your question below, please send us a message on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How does the Balex-ABL work?

The Balex-ABL is a hydraulic driven system that enables a person to launch and retrieve their trailer boat using a remote control.

Yes, it’s just like a spare tyre or a tie down device to hold the bow of the boat when travelling.

The Balex-ABL eliminates the need to clamber down slippery boat ramps to hook or unhook your boat, improving safety and enjoyment. It allows a controlled launch and retrieval of your boat.

Servicing annually must be done by an authorised Balex dealer. You can easily do it together with your annual boat service.

The total installed system weighs 71kg / 157lb

No. The drive units at the rear of the trailer balance the power unit and battery at the front of the trailer.

The drive units are attached to the rear of the trailer, the HYDRA4 power unit and battery enclosure are mounted to the winch post. The hydraulic hoses run along or internally through the chassis.

Standard trailers don’t usually have to be altered, your authorised Balex dealer. will advise. Or you can contact our team directly on 0800 448 653 or [email protected].

The Balex-ABL is designed to be safe and easy. You don’t need strength to operate the ABL, it is simple and intuitive to use and will speed up the launch and retrieval process in a smooth and controlled manner by remote control.

Yes, you can uninstall the Balex-ABL and re-fit to a new trailer. You may need to check if the hoses are the same length for the new trailer. 

We require that your authorised Balex dealer fits it to validate the warranty.

Yes, the Balex-ABL was invented and designed in New Zealand.

Excessive slopes will lead to a loss of traction. The average NZ boat ramp is 7.5 degrees and our unit is recommended for up to 9 degree’s (and validated to 11 degree’s). The ramp in question is 13 to 17 degrees.

For some guidance on ramps see – http://marine.marsh- . A slope of 12% to 15% (7° to 8.5°) is ideal. On a ramp shallower than 12%, a typical car will have its rear axle in the water by the time the boat is in far enough to be pushed free. Any steeper than 15% and people are likely to slip and fall, plus it’s hard for front wheel-drive vehicles to get enough traction on steep, wet slopes.

The Australian Standard recommends the grade for boat ramps to be between 1:7 and 1:9, with 1:8 preferred (6.3° to 8°).

How do I learn to use it?

Your authorised Balex dealer will demonstrate how to use the Balex-ABL after purchase. You can also read the user manual and watch our videos online.

About the same depth as you normally launch and retrieve although you only need water half way covering the Balex-ABL drive unit. We find that 1/2 to 3/4 of the ABL ultra grip belts need to be under the water for most launching and retrieving situations.

For the launch – when you are ready and at the right place and depth. 

Launch Video

For the retrieve – either just before or when the hull engages with the ABL.

Retrieve Video

Yes, the Balex-ABL offers a controlled launch. Depending on the size of your boat it will take about 20 seconds to launch. You can stop / start at any stage using the remote control.

Yes, the Balex-ABL will assist, but you will still need to be deep enough to launch and float the boat.

There are already a lot of countries and councils that ban power loading, some even have large fines – the Balex-ABL will stop you from having to power load.

The Balex-ABL will help with this. When you are at the water’s edge about to launch, you push the remote “retrieve” button momentarily and the weight will come off  the chain and winch hook to allow you to unlatch them. The boat will stay there until you push the launch button.

All except for the winch hook and safety chain which should be attached to the boat.  Remove these once you are at the water depth you require for launching.

Unhook the winch hook and/or safety chain only when the boat and trailer are at the correct depth and you are ready to launch.

At our ramp there is always a current and wind, how will the Balex-ABL cope with this?

The Balex-ABL will assist greatly with this process.  Wind can upset the loading on any trailer but it is easy with the Balex-ABL to back off the boat a little and bring it back on again.

The biggest single reason that boats go on their trailer off to one side or lopsided is the need to “balance the boat” prior to loading. The boat is always lopsided / heavier to the helm side, so before you load the boat, shift the fish box, your gear or fuel cans to the other side which will help balance it. You could even leave one passenger on board to balance it.  Driving slowly onto the ABL whilst pressing the retrieve button, will also assist in straight loading.

Yes, the combined used of the winch and the Balex-ABL will fully retrieve your boat. 

Although you shouldn’t rely on it, the Balex-ABL is engineered not to slide off the trailer when operating it on boat ramps up to 9 degrees. Your authorised Balex dealer will fit the Balex-ABL to ensure the product works correctly.

When the retrieve is completed and the boat is at the winch post, immediately connect the winch hook and safety chain, before driving up the ramp.

It is your choice depending on the ramp / beach conditions and your comfort zone.

There are already a lot of countries and councils that ban power loading, some even have large fines – the Balex-ABL will stop you from having to power load.

How many loads and unloads will I get before I need to charge the Balex-ABL battery?

Approximately 5-10, depending on battery condition and size of the boat, ramp angle, etc. However that is not the best way to treat the battery so you should charge it at the end of the use period.

Yes, put the trailer into the water deeper than you normally would and the boat will float over the Balex-ABL Ultra Grip Belts.

No. Please see your authorised Balex dealer to supply and fit.

Generally 12 months, depending on frequency of use. If it fails, then the Balex-ABL power pack has manual launch and retrieve on the dashboard.

Yes, they are.

Note: water resistant means that the item will survive a splash of water but not any form of prolonged exposure. 

Yes, your authorised Balex dealer can advise.

Your authorised Balex dealer has car kit options for you. These need to be installed by your Marine Dealer or an Auto electrician.

Remembering when you last charged it and by checking the battery condition LEDs on the dashboard. It should show a green light for fully charged.

12 Volt for the Balex-ABL 2500 model.

Depending on the size of your boat and ramp angle, typically 25-45 seconds.

Yes, it is. However, Wwe have a specified battery for best Balex-ABL performance.

Yes, you can.

Yes, you can. However, chargers have changed and modern chargers now have extra benefits for battery life. We would advise talking to your installer about this. 

Yes, but you need to take care of polarity and correct voltage.

Yes, see your authorised Balex dealer for more information.

For all charger options, please see your authorised Balex dealer. 

At our ramp there is always a current and wind, how will the Balex-ABL cope with this?

Use the manual buttons on the power unit dashboard.

One remote, plus the manual buttons located on the dashboard control on the power unit box.

Yes, you can.

How long is the warranty?

A 3-year limited warranty is provided on all new Balex-ABL 2500 installations.

Yes, just like you wash your trailer.

Yes, just like you wash your trailer, with fresh water.

While the ocean is a very corrosive environment, washing the Balex-ABL with fresh water after every use along with an annual service by an authorised Balex dealer will assist in corrosion prevention. We recommend using Prolan HD or Corrosion X HD on any metal components BUT take care to avoid getting any on the ultra-grip belts.

Yes, your authorised Balex dealer will provide you with the correct hydraulic fluid at installation.

Yes, contact your authorised Balex dealer and they will assist you.

Yes, annually at your authorised Balex dealer – together with your annual boat service.

We recommend using Prolan HD or Corrosion X HD on any metal components BUT take care to avoid getting any on the ultra-grip belts!

Are the remote controllers water resistant?

Yes, they are.

Note: water resistant means that the item will survive a splash of water but not any form of prolonged exposure. 

Yes, it is

Note: water resistant means that the item will survive a splash of water but not any form of prolonged exposure. 

If you are doing regular beach launching, it is recommended that the power unit box is mounted higher on the winch post. Please advise your authorised Balex dealer at time of enquiry. 

Remove the lid, take the water out and leave the lid open to dry it out.

Does the Balex-ABL need servicing?

Yes, annual servicing is recommended by an authorised Balex dealer. You can do it together with your boat service.

Make sure the battery is charged before use and all nuts and bolts are tight.

Washing the Balex-ABL with fresh water after every use along with an annual service by an authorised Balex dealer will assist in corrosion prevention. We recommend using Prolan HD or Corrosion X HD on any metal components BUT take care to avoid getting any on the ultra-grip belts.

Download the Balex brochure

Download the
Balex brochure

Balex Automatic Boat Loader is the ultimate launch and retrieve experience that you can get as a boat owner. Download our brochure and see how we can help you! Complete the form below to download the Balex brochure.